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How to get started on dealing with bitcoins

This page explains how to get started on bitcoins, what do you need to get started and how you get it.

1. Wallet

First thing you need in dealing with bitcoins is wallet and I'm not talking about leather wallet, that you carry around when you go to closest store to get milk bottle (though maybe that is possible also someday with bitcoins also). No.. I mean Bitcoin wallet.

There are several kind of wallets, that you can use.


you can either download one into your computer and keep it safe there on your own files which gives you the advantage on controlling its safety(for example Multibit). If you decide to do so, it's recommended to create also backup from your bitcoin account/wallet file, so if you lose the original file of it for some reason (hard drive breaks down etc.) you still have your bitcoins safe,otherwise you may lose it forever. Most of BTC wallet providers provide also the guide how to do so.


Another possibility is to get bitcoin wallet in your smartphone(one example on android phone is Bitcoin Wallet), basically the same idea with the phone wallet, if phone breaks, your account might get screwed also so remember to back it up.


Then there's network wallets that can be accessed wherever you are (Strongcoin) they give you protection for the wallet, you just need to keep your login information safe for that.

your account address is a combination of big-small letters and numbers (like this= 1Ftq2BRkeNBQL1S9gsHBr1qjgwx6xWYz6S). when you request payments from sites, you need to provide that address to them so they know where to send your bitcoins and if you pay with it, you need the receivers address instead.

2. Bitcoins


As unbelievable as it sounds,after you have your wallet, you probably want bitcoins in it.

The question is, HOW do you want it, since there are few ways to get bitcoin.


1. Buy it --> Buying bitcoin is the easiest and fastest ways to get it, there's several exchange sites that provide the place to trade your money in bitcoins. (for example MtGox and Btc-E)

Choose best choise for you. Trading fees have slight differences and different payment choises on withdraw/deposit.


2. Gather it --> there are multiple tasks,offers,paid to click sites,visit websites etc that gives you parts of BTC to gather. I've gathered lots of sites on home page of the site for people to use just for this reason.


3. Mine it --> Mining is the way of getting bitcoins by putting your computer power to work through calculations in order to solve a puzzle. For the mining you can choose between 4 kind of mining,Cpu mining,Gpu mining,Fpga and acis mining. You can also choose if you want to mine solo or join mining pools such as 50btcSlush's pool . The idea of pools is that the group of people combine their power in order to mine faster. Bitcoin mining has been on already for a while and has gotten more difficult along the way, that's why most people join pools.




3.Ready to go



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